Laidlaw offers a kaupapa Māori approach to support businesses, governance boards, not-for-profit organisations, communities and whānau, hapū & iwi.
Our services span law, dispute resolution, strategy, policy, capability and capacity building.
We work with our clients to design, develop and implement bespoke solutions to meet their individual needs.


Wi Pere Mita
Ngāti Porou, Rongowhakaata, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Waikato - Maniapoto
Wi Pere is a lawyer and accredited mediator. His experience includes Maori legal issues, cultural and intellectual property (including mātauranga Maori), commercial (including investments and asset managements, Iwi development including PSGE, media/broadcasting & entertainment, not-for-profit & community development. Wi Pere was awarded Mediator of the Year at the New Zealand Law Awards 2021.
Current Governance positions held:
Copyright Tribunal, Chair
Watercare Services Ltd, Board
Trust Tairawhiti Ltd, Director
Prime SPV Ltd, Director
Toitu Ngati Porou Ltd, Director
Resolution Institute NZ & Australia, Director
Community Law Centres o Aotearoa, Executive Board (Māori Caucus);
New Zealand Police, Māori Advisory Board (Counties Manukau East);
Skycity Entertainment Group (Auckland Community Trust), Trustee

David Jones
Special Counsel
Rongowhakaata, Ngāti Kahungunu
David has a background in commercial law, Treaty Settlements and media/broadcasting. David worked at one of "the big 4" before relocating to the UK as a cultural ambassador representing New Zealand at official delegations across the world. David has a breadth of experience supporting hapū and iwi to build and grow their commercial asset-bases in a post-settlement environment .

Haimona Te Nahu
Ngāti Porou, Rongomaiwahine, Te Arawa
Haimona is a lawyer and mediator. As a graduate of the Kura Kaupapa Maori movement Haimona is experienced in supporting clients to develop culturally responsive strategies to build cultural fluency and deliver focused outcomes.
Haimona was a member of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment working group responsible for developing the Government Centre for Dispute Resolution – Aotearoa best practice dispute resolution framework.
Haimona is currently leading our Cultural Advisory and Navigation Support services as well as project managing our major events portfolio.

Awhitia Mihaere
Consultant I Mediator
Rangitāne, Ngai Tahu Matawhāiti, Ngāti Kahungunu
Awhitia is an experienced Restorative Justice facilitator, Lay Advocate (Te Kooti Rangatahi), Senior Cultural Advisor and Therapist, and Cultural Report Writer (section 27). She supports our Dispute Resolution and Cultural Advisory Services.
Awhitia is also a tohunga ruahine and a teacher of rongoā Māori. Her lived experiences as an Indigenous Traditional Practitioner derive from her whakapapa of Ngai Tahu Matawhaiti, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Rongowhakaata, Rangitane, Maniapoto.

Stacey O'Neill
Consultant I Mediator
Stacey is a lawyer and mediator specialising in kaupapa Māori legal issues. She has a background in constitutional law, human rights and Te Tiriti o Waitangi related matters. She also sits on the executive (as Co-Chair) for Ngā Kaiāwhina Hapori Māori o te Ture, the national Māori caucus for the Community Law movement.
Marree Kereru
Consultant I Mediator
Waikato - Maniapoto
Marree is a lawyer and mediator with experience in Māori land, human rights, kaupapa Māori legal issues. Marree supports our dispute resolution team. Marree has served on the executive committee of Te Hunga Rosa Māori o Aotearoa, the Māori Law Society and currently sits on the executive (as Co-Chair) for Ngā Kaiāwhina Hapori Māori o te Ture, the national Māori caucus for the Community Law movement.

Amorangi Malesala
Law Clerk
Waikato-Maniapoto, Hāmoa
Amorangi is in the final year of her BA/LLB with the University of Waikato. Her BA Major is in Māori Development. Amorangi is a Kōhanga Reo and Kura Māori graduate and a fluent speaker of Samoan and Te Reo Māori. Amorangi is a semi-professional athlete; a contracted member of the Northern Stars Netball Team. She has previous experience working in local government and Maori and Pacific development.

Sammy-Jo Matete
Legal Secretary I Administrator
Rongowhakaata, Rongomaiwahine
Sammy-Jo is an experienced executive administrator having worked across New Zealand and Australia. For the past 5 years she has worked with Māori businesses and Iwi organisations supporting the management of iwi assets in a Post-Settlement Governance environment. Sammy-Jo is active in Marae and iwi initiatives.

Zebedee Tupa'i
Legal Executive I Administrator
Hāmoa - Fagaloa, Vaiala, Sataua, Samatau
Zeb is a qualified Legal Executive and has previously held the position of Senior Legal Administrator. Zeb has general practice experience having worked in the Community Law movement in South Auckland. Zeb is active in his church and community.
Kimiora Malesala
Law Clerk
Waikato-Maniapoto, Hāmoa
Kimiora holds a BA/LLB from the University of Auckland. Her BA Major is in Māori and Pacific Studies. Kimiora is a Kōhanga Reo and Kura Māori graduate and a fluent speaker of Samoan and Te Reo Māori. Kimiora has experience as a language tutor of Te Reo Māori, and an Adult Education Tutor and Evaluation Assistant for Maori and Pacifica Support Services.